Set up DMARC and see who's sending email using your brand's domain.


Putting webhooks to work

Wouldn’t it be great to live in a world where instead of having to go out and grab the data you need using an API, you could have that data sent to you? Instead of polling the Postmark API, does receiving real-time notifications that are pushed to you sound like a dream? Postmark has this functionality now, in the form of webhooks. What a time to be alive!

Postmark provides webhooks for bounces, inbound messages, and open tracking events in the form of HTTP POSTs in well formatted JSON to the URL(s) you specify. Using these webhooks you can receive notifications and data as the triggering events occur, without having to make any calls to our API.

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Postmark product update: October 2016

It’s time for another product update to let you know what we’ve been working on. The past few weeks have been exciting as we launched quite a few major features that we know our users will find extremely valuable.

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Feature announcement: link tracking

You’ve been able to track how many people open your emails for a while with Postmark, but you haven’t been able to track which links your customers click on. Today that changes with the release of our Link Tracking feature.

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How to Reduce Spam Complaints in Your Transactional Emails

Seeing your legitimate transactional email getting marked as spam is a frustrating experience. You spend hours creating a message for your business and it's painful to watch people mark it as spam for some reason. This can be all the more maddening because there’s no scientific approach that shows how you to avoid this fate.

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