Set up DMARC and see who's sending email using your brand's domain.


What is ARC, or Authenticated Received Chain?

ARC, or Authenticated Received Chain, is a standard created in 2016 to help improve how DKIM and SPF results are passed from one mail server to the next during forwarding. When messages are passed to intermediaries like mailing lists or email account forwarding, DKIM and SPF can break. ARC aims to fix this.

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Don't send unsubscribe confirmation emails

When a user opts out or unsubscribes from your emails, you should never follow up with a confirmation email letting them know you will not email them again. What will ultimately happen is the user will be completely turned off and mark your “Unsubscribe Confirmation Email” as spam.

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Pay close attention to bounces

Many factors influence email delivery for your domain. The content of each message is important but equally as important is how people engage with email from your domain. A key signal for your domain's engagement is your bounce rate. Most inbox providers interpret a high bounce rate from a domain as low-quality sending behavior. No one can engage with an email that bounces, and it makes sense they would see bounces as a key factor in a domain’s sending reputation. If someone buys a list from a 3rd party, have a service that’s prone to abuse, or low-quality registrations, they’re going to generate a lot of bounces. And that can hurt your sending reputation.

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