Set up DMARC and see who's sending email using your brand's domain.


Oddities in Gmail delivery - Adaptive Filters

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been pretty spoiled with a great email client (Gmail) and how it handles the spam that comes through my mailbox. It’s rare it ever gets to my Inbox, and I monitor my Spam folder periodically to make sure no legitimate mail gets there, and it rarely does. I would say this is magic, but, I know better. Gmail takes very good care of its users, like, impeccable care. But, there’s always an expense, and in this case it’s at the expense of the sender.

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What we've been up to...

It’s been way too long since we published anything on the blog. This, of course, does not mean we’ve been on vacation. We’ve had some incredible growth in the last few months which has put a lot of our focus inward on our infrastructure and support to help the new (and existing) customers. I wanted to give you a quick update on what we’ve been doing behind the scenes.

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Making your email searchable

One important quality of a many transactional emails is that they are often saved and used as a reference by your recipients later down the line. For some that means they stick it in a folder somewhere (I use a reference tag in my Gmail), others just keep it in the Inbox and then search for it later.

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Attachments — Finally Here!

I can’t say how excited I am to announce this one! I can’t count the times we’ve had to respond “No we don’t support attachments yet” to your questions in forum posts and support tickets. Finally, no more of that.

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