Set up DMARC and see who's sending email using your brand's domain.


DKIM and the "via" label in Gmail

Gmail made a recent change to help people identify spoofed email and verify the identity of senders in your Inbox. It’s a great addition, especially knowing how easy it is to send email pretending to be someone else. As part of this change, Gmail added a subtle but important label in the ‘From’ address field for emails called “via.” This is added for any emails that are sent from third-party senders like Postmark or Newsberry.

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API Wrapper Roundup!

In the last couple of weeks we’ve added a few new API wrappers to our developer docs!

We’ve now got over 30 languages/frameworks supported, and are adding more all the time.

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Port25’s Authentication and Spam Assassin Tool

When it comes to email authentication (SPF, DKIM, SenderID) it can be pretty confusing. We try our best to make the process easy, but we still get some support cases about setting up DNS records. As we have said before, using DKIM and SPF can go a long way with reputation and delivery. Most of our customers use DKIM and SPF in Postmark, which means we are helping people with delivery and helping the industry as a whole by supporting and adopting these standards.

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An update on email sending delays

As you may have noticed, last week we ran into some issues on Postmark that caused email sending delays and even some API timeouts for people. It was a rough week. This weekend we did some maintenance on MongoDB, our primary data store, which we hoped would resolve some of the issues. This morning we experienced delays again and got it under control within about two hours. I want to give a status update and some background on what is going on.

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Recent Issues with Activity Page and Bounce Hooks

Over the last couple of months, Postmark’s growth has resulted in some recurring problems for our customers that we wanted to take the time to acknowledge and address.

In order to provide you delivery diagnostic tools like the send activity screen and bounce hooks, we store large volumes of information for all customers’ send activity. This activity and dataset is not used for sending your email, just retrieving the history. As Postmark usage has grown, the storage of transactional messages had grown to a point where customers were encountering timeouts on activity screens, and delays in the processing of bounced emails. It became clear that we needed to evaluate our options to eliminate these problems.

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