Set up DMARC and see who's sending email using your brand's domain.


Preheader in Twitter's new follow notification

A few days ago I noticed a change in Twitter’s follow notification emails. I didn’t notice the change by viewing the email, but instead it was the drastically different “preheader” (that initial preview of text) in Gmail that made it obvious. While I think the new content is a big improvement, the way it displays in the preheader really messed me up.

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Take your reputation with you

When we first launched Postmark, the plan was to start small and grow naturally by listening to our customers. While we did start small, one aspect that was a must for the initial launch (even in private beta) was email authentication with DKIM and SPF. When it comes to reputation standards and preventing spoofing, DKIM is where it’s at.

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Beware of Cloudfront URLs in email

Last week we were troubleshooting a problem with a customer. For some reason, no matter what we tried, their emails were going directly to the spam folder in Yahoo. I tried replicating the email, from name, subject and everything else but each time it went to the Inbox. After lots of tests, we identified one difference: After we moved the image to their own domain, it went right to the inbox.

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The dangers of Send to Friend tools

In the not-so-distant past we used to do a lot of consulting work and specialized in social web applications (read: facebook-y stuff). One of the most common feature requests was always a way for a person to invite their entire address book to sign up for the new social network. There’s an obvious benefit here to a new application: get a ton of users in a single, easy step. But, unfortunately, there is an inherent flaw in this.

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