Set up DMARC and see who's sending email using your brand's domain.


Over 61% of Postmark customers authenticate their emails. Do you?

Every day we find customers who have delivery issues that are instantly solved by updating SPF records or signing their emails with their own Domain Keys. Because we know how critical it is, we’ve built it right into the Postmark setup process. Interestingly, we actually have customers who think it’s a required step to use Postmark, and we don’t think that’s a bad thing.

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New Postmark System Status Dashboard

We work very hard to keep Postmark reliable and available for our customers, but sometimes things go wrong that are out of our control. We do our best to communicate the details of any issues we’re having, and make it a priority to prepare you for any planned maintenance or downtime.

Not everybody follows us on Twitter, and emailing our entire customer base isn’t always the best solution either. So today, we’re launching our new Postmark System Status page.

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What Happened This Morning

This morning at about 8:15am EDT we had an outage on our primary MySQL server. It affected sending, the API and our web interface. No emails were lost, but you would have noticed delays. I want to give a brief overview on what happened, how we recovered and where we are now.

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Checking Spam Scores is now as easy as Postmark

Postmark’s sending infrastructure works to carefully, quickly, and accurately deliver your transactional emails to your customers’ inboxes. The most common problems that occur outside of our configurations are related to content, and our customer service team often works with customers to improve dodgy email content that’s causing emails to land in the spam filter.

Today we’re announcing a new easy and free API to help you score the quality of your outbound (and inbound) emails. This JSON API provides easy and fast programmatic usage of the spam filter tool SpamAssassin.

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