Set up DMARC and see who's sending email using your brand's domain.


Lessons learned from our recent outages

I owe an explanation for the recent issues on Postmark. This week we had some pretty terrible performance on our MongoDB cluster, resulting in delayed emails, disabled activity and even disabled bounce API. No emails were lost during the outages, but I do want to explain what happened, what we did, and what we are doing about it.

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A really rough Saturday

Today we were going to have a really important, but low impact maintenance. This morning at 9am the team brought the application offline to migrate to a new, more powerful database. Email sending was not going to be affected during most of the process, we expected about 2-4 minutes of paused sending. Things did not happen as we expected and we had some long outages and delays in sending. I want to explain what happened in detail.

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Emails getting caught in Gmail Spam? Find out why using...Gmail.

You know that sending your transactional email through Postmark is the best way to improve your delivery rates. But sometimes, even with the best of tools and intentions, your emails will end up in spam and you won’t know why.

The next time you’re working to troubleshoot why an email is going to your (or your customers’) spam filter in Gmail, you can click on the email itself and look right below the sender and recipient information for more information about why Google thinks that email is spam.

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