Set up DMARC and see who's sending email using your brand's domain.


Special delivery: Postmark transactional email templates

Today, I have the pleasure to share with you a big set of enhancements that we’ve been cooking up for Postmark, and we know you’re going to love them -

We know there’s a lot to delivering beautiful, actionable, emails to every inbox. Here are just a few things that pop up when creating transactional emails.

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Delivery toolbox: Google Postmaster Tools

Recently Google announced a new tool to monitor your email delivery for messages sent to Gmail and Google Apps. It’s called Google Postmaster Tools.

With this tool, you can see detailed information about the messages that Gmail receives from your domain. This could include emails from your regular mailboxes, marketing emails, transactional (such as those sent from Postmark) and more. For instance, you can see domain and IP reputation, spam rates, encryption usage, and email authentication success/failure rates.

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